My Thoughts about Stereotypes
Germans prioritize efficiency above all.
– an article on Babbel.com
Sometimes people talk about how people in different countries behave and talk. In many situations, it kind of works, but it often comes with a small flaw. Even in the same country, there is a diverse spectrum of people — some people are into technology, some love writing, and the list just goes on. There are even divisive topics like politics. In the end, people end up realizing such generalizations don’t always work.
Also, it’s not just about ethnicity and nationality. There are many types of generalizations, I’ve seen many people making assumptions about others based on their level of education, socioeconomic status, languages they speak, and many more. It’s actually pretty common in our daily life.
In some cases, like during the hiring process, it can be a way to make things efficient. But generally, I wouldn’t say it’s a good way to treat other people. Imagine one of your friends always judging you for dropping out of college. Would you like them as a friend? For me personally, I wouldn’t.
Rather than judging people, I think it’s better to listen to what people say. Because it’s not really a bad thing to be open to new ideas and other people’s experiences.
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