Author: evasquare

My Java & Maven Setup in VSCode

Java support on VSCode is infamous for being incomplete. But it can be pretty useful if you do some setups! I’ll tell you how I did mine!


My Thoughts about Stereotypes

Sometimes people talk about how people in different countries behave and talk. In many situations, it kind of works but it often comes with a small flaw.



Simple artwork I made with Blender.

My Favorite VSCode Themes

My Favorite VSCode Themes

VSCode marketplace has a lot of themes. I used to almost always explore them, and I’m now sticking with some themes I really love.

Oh. Don’t mind me! I was just… gazing at the stars. They’re so beautiful, aren’t they?


Oh. Don’t mind me! I was just… gazing at the stars. They’re so beautiful, aren’t they?